Argument With a Child

drawing of child with speech bubbles shaped like question mark, heart, rainbow, explosion, and other shapes on light-blue background
Gabriela Pesqueira

If you don’t do this thing you can’t
do the next thing and I know
you want to do the next thing.

How do I know?
I’ll tell you when I’m older.
Look at the flowers.

Can you say wisteria.
You don’t want to say wisteria.
You’d rather die is the look on your face.

How can I fix it if you won’t
let me look at it?
Look at something else while I touch it.

Plant your eyes on that place mat of the world
you love and don’t
move them until it stops hurting.

This poem appears in the May 2023 print edition.

Katie Peterson is the author of six books of poetry, including the forthcoming Fog and Smoke.